It’s February and love is most definitely in the air… or should we say ‘hair’?
With Valentine’s Day approaching, people are busy making their declarations of love to one another. but if you are one of the many people out there who struggle to express your emotions, here at NeoCape we suggest you say it with hair.
Now, you could go full on Kendall Jenner and recreate her famous ‘heart hair’ Instagram image and send it to your beau…
(image source: Instagram @kendalljenner)
…. or you could take a more subtle approach by getting a trim to show your other half you love them enough to invest in your own self-grooming so as not to embarrass them in public. If that doesn’t say ‘I love you’ we don’t know what does.
However February isn’t just for couples to spread the love, oh no. Random Acts of Kindness Day falls on the 17th February and we say embrace this opportunity to show love and compassion to all mankind. Tell a bro if you like his beard; say if a dude’s sideburns are looking sharp; compliment a mister on his quiff; and start lighting some bromance fires. What goes around comes around and if you believe in karma, sending some positivity into the universe means it will come back to you sometime soon, hopefully in the form of a Neocape and a very good haircut.